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dficu dficu - DFICU Universities

Welcome to DFICU Universities learning portal

Study & Work Abroad with CISA Certification Course -
"Advisors Road Map"

Sign Up and download FREE basic upskill study pack even if you don't wish to subscribe for the full course

Universities, Colleges and educational Agencies are highly in need of Certified International Students Advisors (CISA) for students recruitment and counselling. Register today!



The Certified International Student Advisor -CISA program is designed for education agents and counsellors around the world. You will learn the education system in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, USA, Netherland, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, France, China and Italy. The course reveals the necessary requirements for gaining admissions into government approved universities and colleges, visa application processes, direct government websites for any type of information regarding traveling and relocation, tuition and scholarship updates, study and work information, lists of institutions that accept apprenticeship programs and grant scholarships and many more. CISA certification program is the only available complete course on the internet that gives adviser / counsellor / agent / student etc the opportunity to get prepared before taking a decision in the right direction to embarking in any journey abroad.

What you will benefit

Professional CISA Certificate At the end of your course

This credential will open different doors and opportunities to:
start your own education consultancy program,
work for colleges and universities abroad,
counsel students and travelers for gainful opportunities etc.

Access to Full Course Learning Portal

This is the knowledge base of CISA program where all information are installed for your use.

Automatic Access to UCAS student and job recruitment dashboard

where you can recruit and communicate with all the universities and colleges in the UK: England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. In this portal, you will also have access to DFICU Universities relevant information and interact with almost all our staff.

optional Official DFICU universities email address

for building trust and loyalties with your clients.


Register for free and get FREE study material, list of SEVP approved institutions in USA, Visa application process for applicants applying to study/work in the USA



Register and pay for your full complete CISA study pack. With the free study pack inclusive, gain access to the learning dashboard (value:$472), earn global credential ($75), get official email address ($36), access the UCAS recruitment portal ($120), download the 8030 pages of list of universities in the world and their contacts (value: $89), download the list of fully funded programs and the institutions' website (value:$39). At no additional cost other than


Signup to download FREE basic skill materials or signup and pay, to access full course and other relevant tools.